Leadership în Sectorul Public

Concurs admitere 2024.

Promoting real socializing activities and an active lifestyle:

Today, many youth spend excessive amounts of time on social media platforms, often at the expense of physical activities and in-person socializing. This sedentary behavior and overreliance on social media can lead to decreased face-to-face interactions, feelings of loneliness and isolation, and negative impacts on mental health and well-being, as well as significant health risks, including obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and mental health issues. Despite the importance of genuine human connections and social interactions, convincing youth to prioritize real socializing activities and sports over social media presents a significant challenge.
Task: Your task is to develop an innovative approach to promote real socializing activities and physical activities among youth in our community while also raising awareness about the negative impacts of excessive social media use. Your solution should aim to inspire youth to engage in meaningful face-to-face interactions, foster genuine connections, have an active lifestyle and prioritize their mental and emotional well-being.
The plan should be feasible for a medium-size urban community in Romania. Think of the resources involved (human resources, money, time) the city hall can dedicate to this task and how can other community stakeholders help the project. 
Upload your plan (pdf or word document, a maximum of 5 pages) 
Deadline: 31st of May 2024, 23.59
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Sunt de acord ca datele mele să fie prelucrate exclusiv în scopul înscrierii mele în cadrul concursului, ediția 2025.
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Cauți ceva anume și nu reușești să găsești? Nicio problemă! Dă-ne un semn și te ajutăm noi. Sau poate vrei să treci pe la noi ca să vezi facultatea și campusul? Excelent, spune-ne când și de restul ne ocupăm noi!